Got Stories? Mom Does. Many Stories. Very Many.

Mom’s back from Mercedes’ to hang with us again. I think I’ve figured out why Mom wears her sunglasses in my house, even when she naps. I believe it’s cuz yellow Bow Tie o’ the Day sports blinding, blingy sequins. Mom says she likes Bow Tie though, so I’ll keep it on. Mom mostly lounges through her days now. She doesn’t read books, or put together puzzles. I asked her if she gets bored. She said she can’t get bored because she has so many memories to remember.

Ties Arrive

Bow Ties/Ties, and Cufflinks o’ the Day fill this fat package. Trust me. I heard a knock at the door, and FedEx gives me this odd package, which I must sign for. The package is an unusual shape. It’s a foot long, and it’s wrapped in an entire roll of packing tape. I’ve watched enough drug-crime shows to know this resembles a kilo of illicit drugs. Was I being set-up to be arrested? I mentioned it to the delivery chick, who looked at me suspiciously. Doh! 📦