Can You Spell “Leprechaun”?

It’s the green neckwear’s fave time of year. Tie o’ the Day begins our meandering to St. Paddy’s Day, and my Hat o’ the Day lends a hand. Feel the verdant clash happen! If you haven’t driven across Ireland, you must go. If you like tasting a multitude of beers, you REALLY must go. Irish cuisine is horrible, but I don’t recommend you fast for your entire vacation. Instead, I recommend you eat Banoffee Pie every meal. It’s basically layers of bananas, chocolate, and toffee. Yummerful! 🍌 🍫 🍽

Ain’t Nuthin’ Wrong With That

Tie o’ the Day is a clever masterpiece: a plywood tie. I call it my white trash/redneck tie. When I lived back East, I noticed a certain snootiness some people had towards the West. It was, like all prejudice, a bias formed out of ignorance. They hadn’t been there, and they didn’t know any Westerners. I learned to embrace my “redneck-ness” and my small-town-ness. I set them straight. And the first thing I did when I moved back to Delta? Threw a mattress on my front porch. 🛏 🤠