The Tie Makes The Woman. As Does The Hat.

I wanted to accentuate beauteous Tie o’ the Day by showcasing it against a solid-color shirt. But Tie felt lonely without clash, so I paired it with a camo-esque shirt. The ensuing clash made me feel less a stranger in this world, as well. I don’t match. I don’t care that I don’t match. I don’t mind when other people match. Don’t try to make me match. I was born to be singularly effervescent and vocal. Speaking of those qualities… tomorrow, Mom’s coming for many sleepovers. 😺 😃

To Have Mom’s Name Is A Bigly Responsibility

Bow Tie o’ the Day gets my truck! In return, Hombre gets spiffied! When Mom quit driving, her car became Gary’s– cuz his decades-old Babe Magnet is on its last tires, almost to the point of unfixable-ness. And Gary MUST drive a hot car. He put a bunch o’ money into doctoring up Mom’s, and it is now born again– on deck to become the next Babe Magnet. I asked my family, and Mom and my siblings agreed it was natural that I’d inherit Mom’s license plates. 😃