Notice Them, And Thank Them. Everywhere.

Bow Tie o’ the Day celebrates International Women’s Day, which shouldn’t be just one day. It should be a 24/7, 365 party. Alkaline battery Cufflinks o’ the Day remind us to thank and honor the energized women around us, who care for us and build us up throughout our lives. These women are so constantly present that we sometimes forget to appreciate them. It seems as if sometimes we don’t even see them in the foreground/background, helping and encouraging us to become stupendous, moral, fascinating people. See them. 👁

Tie-less Zombies Must Feel Twice As Exhausted

I could not fall asleep the entire night, so I took to the couch and watched asinine programs on tv. I chose bright Tie o’ the Day and matching cloth Cufflinks, in hopes of the bright green keeping me awake all day as I errand. I feel like a zombie. No, I AM a zombie. There better not be any such thing as a DWZ: Driving While Zombie. I know I am transformed, because Skitter refuses to sit by me. This too shall pass. I think. 😴