Ah, Back In The Day…

Tie o’ the Day is called a puff tie. It looks like a combo of a cravat and a necktie, with a hint of a Colonel Sanders tie in it, too. CHEERIOS Cufflinks o’ the Day definitely star in this post though. I am a serial cereal killer. When I was wee, every Saturday, Mom let me buy a box of cereal. I chose based on the coolest prize inside the box. Blast from the past! Anybody remember VAN’s, or MR. G’S, or DOVE’S, or HAPPY SERVICE?


Bow Tie o’ the Day is the cherry atop one of the finest clash fashion outfits I’ve concocted recently. And Cufflinks o’ the Day fit with me singing every Jimmy Buffett song I can think of, as I dust baseboards and vacuum the stairs. I’m completely in that sandy, ocean-y mood. MARGARITAVILLE isn’t one of my fave Jimmy songs, but I have been to many wedding receptions where, when it is played, everybody hits the dance floor. Young, old, and in-between. ⛵ ⚓ The song inspires Happy-A-Rama feet! 👣