You Can Build A Skyscraper With Those Cufflinks

Green, polka-dotted Bow Tie o’ the Day complements lime-green Lego Cufflinks o’ the Day, as we build-up to St. Paddy’s. Bow Tie Hat is a sign that after the recent almost-warmth, the temperature is falling. Thus, my Spock ear is freezing, yet again. This winter has been a tease, temperature-wise. It’s not like there have been days toasty enough to endure nude sunbathing on the patio or on the deck. But the temperature has occasionally been unseasonably warm enough to cause me to contemplate the silly idea. ⛱ ☀

All Of These Ties Are Not Like The Other

Ties o’ the Day cover three tie types. It’s probably impossible for y’all to believe, but there are occasionally days when I cannot decide what kind of neckwear is right for that specific day. Today I pulled out trusty bow tie cufflinks to meet part of my urge. And fortunately, I have a wonderful tie that’s decorated with a bolo. This is a day rich with tiedom. I hope I can carry it off. It’s a lot of responsibility for a tie missionary to be so blessed.