Suzanne’s Still Straining For Sand

Suzanne’s sweater gives us Bow Ties o’ the Day. Suzanne does everything she can to hog these tblog posts. In fact, she’s the star of the show wherever she goes. I know, I know– you’d think I and my screaming shirts, ties, and ‘links would be the center of attention. But no, it’s Suzanne who draws the gawkers. She also draws the kidney stones. Today, her doc said she still has a kidney full of ’em. Apparently, her lithotripsy was a blast, but not a complete solution. 🙀 😸

Please Cross Your Pancreas, Like Me

Cufflinks o’ the Day are the stars of this post. They are working rulers. When I wear them, I can’t help playing with them– opening and closing them constantly. They are my version of fidget spinners. I’m wearing them cuz we’re headed to Suzanne’s kidney stone doc, to measure if her recent lithotripsy sufficiently shattered her 3.2 cm stone. Yes, she’s been peeing rocks and sand, but we’re not sure if they all add up to 3.2 cm of ouch. My Hanky Panky is crossed for positive news. 🤞