Skitter Plays With The Ties, Skittishly

I thought I heard Skitter rummaging through the chews in her toy box, but when she found me, it was clear she had been scouring the St. Paddy’s Day tie and prop box. I don’t mind when she plays dress up, so here she is trying to take a nap in Bow Ties o’ the Day treasures she managed to grab. I didn’t see Skitter actually sip any green beer, but she has peed a bigly flood of extra-bright yellow snow across the yard today. 🍀 🍺 ☘

I Know Some Things, But Not This Thing

Bow Tie o’ the Day reminds us that polka dots work with any style. ‘Links o’ the Day symbolize that this is the first year the must-wear-glasses-to-drive restriction is on my driver’s license. Today’s task is to glide through the snow on mundane errands, in my beloved Vonnegut Grace Vibe. I have a question first. Why can there be eight inches of snow on my satellite dish, with no signal problems, but five flakes can sometimes block the signal, sending me climbing the ladder with a broom?