Excuse Me, Tie O’ The Day

“Oops! I didn’t know you were in here, Tie o’ the Day #2! My bad! Feel free to read that Bruce Springsteen autobiography on the tank. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it as much as I do. Bruce has an intelligent vocabulary. And I promise you, Tie: Next time I’ll knock.”


Even Ties Go Forth And Serve

So I come home from the post office an hour ago, and guess who I see knocking on our front door? Yup, it’s the LDS missionaries’ neckwear. Apparently, the ties had heard about my website and were quickly converted. They then had a burning desire to guest star on Tie O’ The Day! (Guest ties are always welcome to be on the tblog.) And I have no doubt that the missionary ties will be successful as they share the Tie gospel around the entire world.