To Imbibe Or Not To Imbibe?

This ‘fit was my attire for my Pub crawl last night. (Can you do a pub crawl when there is only one pub in town? I think YUP.) Aside from my usual Diet Coke, the drinks on this tank and bow tie are the only drinks I sat with at my table. (Yes, I sat alone at my table last night, writing another million-dollar poem.)

Ah, the days of impeccable beer in red Solo cups, and fancy mixed drinks! It makes me nostalgic. But not nostalgic enough to wanna take up that kind of drinking again. Let me just say that when I drank, I was superb at it. But sometimes we need to change even the things at which we excel. I think realizing what we need to change is called growing up, and growing up means we have achieved a slice of wisdom.

There. How’s that for a church lesson about teetotalling, on this blue-skied, bird-chirping Sabbath morn? And BTW, there is no church bow tie this morning, cuz I sort of kind of slept in and didn’t make it to church. Oops!