Am I Sure I Meant To Wear These Together?

Tie o’ the Day #2 brings you some evening clash fashion: optical illusions, fluorescent paisley, and downright explosive fashion chaos for the eyes. I must admit that my favorite outfits are the ones that make the least sense. 🌪

An ex of mine once told me my thinking was chaotic and messy and not linear. What? You mean I don’t think in a straight line? I thought I was being complimented on my creative propensities. Turns out, NOPE. That should explain why one day I zig-zaggedly packed a suitcase with all my notebooks and flew about thirty states away from my ex. My outside-the-lines thinking and I plopped back down in Utah, where there is enough room to create messy, nonlinear word-art. 📝  🖍 🔏 📓

TTMIT ALERT! But the best thing: My sidewinder thinking also won me back my first and last flame. All’s right with the world.😍

Roxy Has No “Inside Voice”

Roxy is Tie o’ the Day’s guest star this morning. Note that she is tie-less. Kinda. Boxy Roxy can’t always wear a tie. Sometimes her neckwear has to be a shock collar, which we have dubbed The Collar of Shame.

Roxy has a problem with yapping at EVERYTHING. But don’t worry about the shocking effects of the collar. I took the battery out of it soon after we bought it for her, cuz after the first couple of zaps, I simply couldn’t bear the thought of even the tiniest shock on her sweet neck. Just putting the battery-less gadget on her keeps her barking fits in line. When I put the Collar of Shame around her ample neck, she quiets down and hangs her head in contrition. I don’t make her wear it very long, and she gets the point.

I have no doubt that Suzanne would like to put a battery in The Collar of Shame and wrap it around my neck sometimes. And I’m positive I would deserve every last shock, until the battery wears itself out and she has to replace it with another.