Attack O’ The Paisleys

Paisley is a fine design form for showcase on any piece of clothing. (It clashes  just by existing.) Paisley layered upon paisley, as in this photo, is even better. To me, paisley kinda looks like raindrop-shaped caterpillars. And paisley also looks like commas (Oxford commas, of course.) at a kegger: commas dancing while on a bigly buzz. Whatever the paisley form resembles, I adore every last paisle (my word) on the planet!

(Tie o’ the Day #2 is a deeeeeeep blue Stacy Adams product. The shirt is the one and only Tasso Elba in any of my closets. The vote is still going on about the shirt’s actual color. Feel free to chime in about it.)

It Is Time To Play, For Mutts And Me And Ties

Tie o’ the Day #1 and this pocketed shirt are about as clashy as ya can get. I call that fun. At the meat counter at Dick’s (wrong name for a grocery store) this morning, this look caused happy, bright eyes and compliments galore. There are the occasional “laughing at me” folks who gawk. But for the most part, Tie o’ the Day and I get thanks-for-the-fun-surprise folks looking in our direction. And, in turn, that makes Tie and I feel like we’ve done our job to inspire world peace.

Yesterday’s fantabulous get-up was such a hit that Suzanne made dinner reservations at Twigs, at Station Park, in Farmington so I could be seen in all my pure elegance. That was a blast, and the blackened trout with corn pudding was definitely tie-worthy.

Today, Suzanne is gonna duck out of work early to Champagne Garden Club (Yup, that’s a verb.) in Park City with the gals, leaving me to my own sinister freedom. I wonder what I’ll do. Don’t tell her, but I’m going to make a trek to the bigly city of Salt Lake to check out clearance ties. That’s how I roll. That’s my dastardly scheme.

Tie o’ the Day #1 will probably get a bit jealous of the other ties, especially if I bring one or two or a dozen home to live with us. But pretty soon, the old ties start playing with the new ties, and then the sibling rivalry turns into tie fun-and-games, 24/7.

[And, of course, our Tie o’ the Day #1 duds are from Stacy Adams and Bugatchi.]