The Odd Treasures Of My Life

Moving can weird you out. When you’re going through closets, you find all kinds of strange and forgotten stuff. Why did I think I needed this hat? At the time, I just had to have it. (Okay, so I was in my late 40’s when I bought it.) Sure, it was fun for a small period of time. But it is not the kind of possession you wanna take the time to throw in a U-haul and move it from one house to another. The bottom line is that I enjoyed the hat, and now it can go in our next yard sale. Come ‘n’ get it!

The population of Tie o’ the Day is moving wherever I move, however. So don’t worry about missing out on the tie collection. This Tie o’ the Day is by Ted Baker. And yes, I am still wearing my pajamas in this photograph.