Hula Ties Gone Wild

Tie o’ the Day #2 is a CHAPS gem. A coral tie with hula girls on it can never be a wrong thing to wear. And it looks extra groovy while paired with this Urban Pipeline short-sleeved button-down. The shirt has got yer palm trees, yer VW vans, yer umbrella drinks, yer sunglasses, etc. Wahoooooo!

Summer is within reach, tbloglodytes. Spring chilliness, rain, and the stupid wind exist to remind us to count our summer blessings when the tank top days finally arrive. Yes, it will start to get way too hot, and we will gripe about that. But then we’ll remember winter’s freeze-and-fog air, and then we should kiss the burning sidewalks in gratitude for the over-the-top heat. No more b-r-r-r-r-r!

Wanna live a happy life? Be present, wherever you are–no matter the climate or season. And be grateful and make some joy, in whatever presence you happen to inhabit at that moment in the eternal scheme.

Mom Does Not Wear Matching Pajamas

(Bow) Tie o’ the Day #1 is from the U.S. POLO ASSN. I love the white and purple polka dots on the navy blue background. (This photo makes the background appear purple, but trust me that it is blue.) Tie contrasts pleasantly with the sea foam-colored Bugatchi. When putting together the clash fashion contrast for your ‘fit, you want to make sure that either the shirt or the tie pops out from the other. The shirt does the popping out in this instance. Remember that you gotta be eye-catching, in order to make people smile.

In a half hour it will be time for Peggy to call to see if I’m ready to chauffeur her and Mom for our drinking and driving adventure. After Peggy’s call, I call Mom to make sure she gets dressed for our drive. She always manages to get dressed, sort of. By that, I mean that she puts on clothing, which is a jacket over her pajamas.

Mom rarely gets out of her pajamas these days. Aside from our ride, she doesn’t usually go anywhere. Just putters contentedly around her house. She dozes in small doses throughout each day. And she still cooks fabulous eats. Also–as I’m sure I’ve mentioned before–at 3 o’clock she watches Harry, then at 4 o’clock she watches Ellen. Mom is into those talk shows the same way I must have me some Judge Judy each day. (I bet most of you don’t know that Judge Judy is on six days per week. (They play one episode at 4 a.m, Tuesday through Saturday.) Our shows are like a religion to us both. We are unquestioningly devoted to them. 🙏