I Sit All Amazed At This Tie Behavior


So I’m working at my computer desk….just working…working…writing… Suddenly, I smell cigar smoke and hear some jazzy bar music, and so I turn around to my other desk to find out what’s happening. What do my eyes see? Bow Tie o’ the Day has created a stripper pole and is stripping for the rowdy crowds! This bow tie is gonna get a talking to, you can bet on that. I did not raise any of my ties to be exhibitionists, no matter how good the tips might be. (BTW Roxy is Tie’s bodyguard.)

No Bike Riding In This Weather

I put on my DOCKERS bicycle tie today, with a BRUNO shirt, and, lo and behold, my fedora makes me look like a gangster or Indiana Jones. But really it’s just a rainy day, and fedoras are the best for protecting you from raindrops when going out into the world to do your household errands. And it looks very cool. And groovy, as well. The tie is something Mormon missionaries could wear, I think, if they are riding their bikes around to proselytize .

One evening when I lived in Virginia, I had to dash to the grocery store for milk  (and a 12-pack). In the store, the bakery was closing up and selling whatever was left for half off. The missionaries were buying bakery items. Good for them and their thrift. Anyhoo…As I was getting in my car with my groceries, the two missionaries passed me on their bikes. Each had one hand on the handlebars. With the other hand, each was balancing an entire fancy, frosted cake. Funny as could be. Starving missionaries on a mission to convert sugar. Into nutrition.

Of course, I had to yell something. “Brothers, remember that the Word of Wisdom stresses moderation.” And then I added, “Go, BYU!”