Out O’ The Closet

So I’m just going through some boxes in a storage closet this afternoon, and look what I see posing on a shelf! How could I resist giving the leg lamp and the X-mas tie a spotlight on Tie o’ the Day (#2), when they obviously tried so hard to get my attention? This is why I love ties! They are so clever. 🎄

Born To Run and Born To Be Wild

Howdy, Tie o’ the Day people! What a traveling morning Tie and I had! I knew we had a trip scheduled to bigly Richfield, so I jumped into my fave-rave Bugatchi of this spring season, and a striped, silk ARROW Tie o’ the Day #1 tie.

The Richfield trek was necessary cuz Peggy’s and Grant’s eye doctor is there, and they have old eyes, which require many examinations throughout the year. (See Cast o’ Folks page from this site’s menu, if you don’t know who the aforementioned people are.) Not only does Mom not drive anymore, neither Peggy nor Grant will/can drive anywhere that is located outside of Delta. Ans so, I have learned that when you are a writer with no set work hours, you are available to haul old people around to their various appointments.

Chauffeuring the aged and infirm to all corners of the state of Utah is not such a bad thing to do–especially if you are like me and you are going to die someday, and you need to bank as many good deeds as you can in the time you have left, so you can hope to get at least your pinky toe into Heaven.😟