See The Happy

Bow Tie o’ the Day turned heads bigly today. We ate brunch outside at The Copper Onion in SLC, and Bow Tie became famous there immediately. Later, at the flooring store where we ordered the flooring to go under the holy Ultimate SewingBox, Bow Tie entertained the saleswoman. Before I knew it, Bow Tie showed her my pretty gut-scar. Now I’m back to recovering at home– exhausted– hogging the couch and remotes and Popsicles. My fave part of the day? Being photo-bombed by Suzanne outside The Copper Onion.

Because It’s There

Yup, me and wood-spade Bow Tie o’ the Day wandered around the Walmart parking lot, after midnight last night. Walmart isn’t my fave place to go, but it’s near us. And after midnight it’s deserted. I can walk around by myself, to ward off any demonic post-surgery clots. Ain’t nothin’ gonna ruin my recovery, cuz I have a vacation in September. And I ain’t missin’ vacation. Okay, okay… The main reason I had Suzanne drive me to Walmart after midnight is that I was out of Popsicles.