Worst. 4th Of July. Ever.

Bow Tie o’ the Day provided my stars-and-stripes on the 4th. The Delta Parade couldn’t be in my hospital room, but Bow Tie did the honors. This was the happiest I looked that day. Later, an hours-long train o’ pain twisted me into the fetal position, where somehow I was both immobilized AND writhing non-stop. The hurt went deeper: I saw Suzanne’s pain, as she watched my pain. She bravely stayed. Finally, I couldn’t watch her watch me anymore. I ordered her home, where Skitter could comfort her. 🗽

We The Peeps

A week ago was the 4th of July. Being in Huntsman kept us from traditional celebrating. But Bow Tie o’ the Day was patriotic with me in my hospital room. Bow Tie’s fabric print is The Constitution of the United States of America. From the windows on my floor, you could see most of the fireworks displays in the SL valley. We’re returning next year as a kind of “surgi-versarry.” And this time, my butt won’t be hanging out of a hospital gown while I watch the fireworks. 🎆 🎇