Battle O’ The Cups

Post-it notes Bow Ties o’ the Day decorate my soda containers. I’m still not allowed to lift and carry my constant companion– 100 oz. Mini-Keg. Maybe in a month. When Suzanne had shopping adventures at the hospital gift shop, she bought me this much smaller cup to use until I’m back in shape to lug around my signature keg. She also bought me a pair of earrings, so I can girl up on occasion. Suzanne always thinks of me when she’s on her shopping sprees. A little bit. 😉

More Proof I Was Born To Tie

While I’ve been recovering, I’ve had time to dig around in old boxes o’ memorabilia. I’ve found a trove of old photos. And in this X-mas pic, I noticed Mom’s opening a present whose wrapping paper is covered in Bow Ties o’ the Day. I wish I knew what was inside. Could it have been some kind of tie thing? Probably not, but a girl can dream. This pic was snapped in the early 70’s, as evidenced by that orange carpet. And hey! Mom needs her hair did.