BODY HEAT Is A Marvelous Movie

Tie o’ the Day agrees with me that this heat feels like hot flashes all over again. Geez, it’s toasty outdoors. Sometimes you wanna wear a regular tie in the summer, but regular ties are heavier and cover more of your body and neck than bow ties– adding heat. No worries, my fellow wearers-o’-ties! Throw on a toddler-sized, clip-on tie. Kids’ ties clash as well as grown-ups’ ties, as is proved by this selfie. 📱 BTW Is anyone else having a 💩 day, or is it just my crabby self? 🦀

Scrapper?! I Hardly Knew ‘Er!

Bow Tie o’ the Day welcomes Suzanne’s new toy. Inside these boxes, strapped into my truck, is a contraption called The Ultimate SewingBox. When assembled, it’ll be as bigly as a guest bedroom. I don’t even pretend to understand the ways of scrappers, sewers, crafters, etc. Apparently, they all need a special box/cabinet for their various productions. Because I’m still not allowed to drive, Suzanne drove us to American Fork to pick up her prize. I held two pillows to my gut the entire bouncy, rickety-truck drive. 😬 🙀 👒