Tired Is, As Tired Snores

I let U of U Bow Tie o’ the Day pick out and order a suitable fanatic outfit for me, for the upcoming college football-watching season. It’s a charming winner. Sorry, but this is a lazy post on my part. See, I took a shower so I could be clean and shiny for the day’s activities. It’s been over two weeks since surgery, and that 20-minute shower exhausted me. All I’ve been capable of doing is nodding, dozing, and snoring, on the couch for five hours. Thus far.

No, I Didn’t Wear A Bra

Recovery from having your innards played with is boring. I’ve gotta get out! Bow Tie o’ the Day accompanied us on my first post-surgery venture. I would have preferred to go to a movie or do some white-water rafting, but Suzanne made me live in reality, so she drove us to Walmart. My stamina gave out before Suzanne even got to the make-up aisle. If she’d gotten there, she’d have forgotten about me, and I would’ve had to wait,  napping in the shopping cart for hours. 🛒