Baby O’ The Family

Bow Tie o’ the Day pays fond tribute to Mom’s little sister, Arlene, who passed away at home in Oak City early this morning. She was the baby of my grandfolks’ crop. Arlene was born at home, to Martha and LeRoy Anderson, without a doctor. She was premature, and the only way they could keep her tiny, tiny, tiny body warm was to heat her in the oven– until Grandpa built her an incubator. Here’s Grandma Martha and her girls, in 1972. (L-R, Shirley, Arlene, Rosalie, Grandma, Barbara, Mom.) 💐

A Frozen Food Group

Bow Tie o’ the Day and I just finished brunch. What did we eat for brunch on this Sabbath morning? Popsicles. 3 Popsicles, to be precise. Since escaping the hospital eleven days ago, Popsicles have been my food staple. They taste yummy and feel good in my tummy. And they aren’t filling, so I can just lallygag around consuming them constantly. “Chain Popsicle-ing,” I suppose. I calculate that in these past eleven days, I have eaten over 100. And now I’ve got a pile of Popsicle sticks to craft with. 😎