The Scar O’ My Movie

Bow Tie o’ the Day has heard a handful of you ask to see how my 7-inch gut scar is healing. In the hospital it was snazzy, with its perfect closure and bling o’ staples. I’m pleased to report my healing scar is equally entrancing, but in a plain way. It kinda looks like a really big paper cut on my tummy. I think it’s interesting that you can still see where the staples stapled me back together. I’m proud my surgical wound is getting into bikini-worthy shape. 👙 😎 🤣

I Am Not An Artist

Let me explain Bow Tie o’ the Day. A number of you suggested things I could do while I’m bored with my recovery. Most were crafty things like crocheting. I appreciate all the suggestions, but even Suzanne will tell you that when I perform any kind of craft activity, I fail bigly. Inevitably, whatever I’m trying to create ends up unrecognizable, and it frightens people and Skitter. The worst thing is that people get hurt. My creations are somehow dangerous. Silly stick drawings are my only safe art. ✒