Still Takin’ It Easy

I declared Pajama Day for just me, and wood Bow Tie o’ the Day’s cat glasses are keeping me and Skitter company. Look, I’m so exhausted today that I fell asleep while taking this selfie. And my face says I must have been having a weird dream.

I usually declare a PJ Day on a weekend day, mostly so Suzanne can enjoy it too. She busts her butt all week, and she needs to get her sleep-in sleep to catch up with the z’s she requires. She is a champion sleeper. And she can nap more and longer than any newborn I have ever known. Her record for sleeping in was set in Delta a dozen years ago, where one Saturday she slept until after 5 pm. She hadn’t gone to bed late the night before or anything. She’s just that excellent at sleep. She’s pretty much the tops at whatever task she takes on. She’s persnickety about getting things just right. IT DRIVES ME NUTS! Sometimes. I am laid-back and non-linear and loosey-goosey. She keeps me grounded to the practical world, and I remind her to inhabit her imagination. She provides order, and I provide craziness. We balance each other.

Now that the flooring is finished, moving The Ultimate SewingBox into the house and onto the new flooring is next on Suzanne’s list. It has to be assembled, so we’re looking for an assembler or two. It’s a bigly job, and we can’t do it ourselves. We can read instructions. We can understand instructions. But we also understand what is and what isn’t possible in our relationship.

For example: We can agree on pizza toppings. And that’s a must if you’re going to stay together. But one of the things we cannot do is work together to assemble anything– small or huge, simple or complicated. When we have tried to do it, the scene has not been pretty. Trying to work together on building anything that requires instructions has been known to result in us blurting out bad words we didn’t even know we knew. Wisely, we’ve decided to never attempt it again. When it comes to assembling The Ultimate SewingBox, we decided it would be much cheaper to hire someone to put it together than for us to hire divorce attorneys. You gotta know the limits of your couple-dom if you want your relationship to last.

The Flooring Is Down, And Skitter Is Down With It



Skitter hid upstairs– on the bed, under a blanket– the entire day yesterday while two completely affable and skillful young gentlemen installed our new floor. Except for sleeping at night, Skitter is always downstairs, but she was petrified of the men and the bigly noises they made in the house. Of course, the second the installers were done and gone, she promptly threw on Bow Tie o’ the Day, sat on her throne, and took over the new floor. She lounged smack-dab in the center of it for the duration of the day.

We’re so pleased with the flooring that I’m sure I’ll find reasons it needs to be background in these posts a zillion times. As you can sorta see in the pic of me, we chose a complementary, but contrasting, flooring. And although this pic doesn’t show it well, you may be able to see that the new floor is laid with its lines diagonal to the existing’s lines That was my idea and I was quite surprised when Suzanne agreed it would be nifty to have it laid that way. My surprise was due to the fact that Suzanne’s taste runs to the traditional, while I prefer more snappy modern designs– with architecture, clothing, furniture, etc.. Our taste in books tends to go the same way. She’s all for British classics, and I’m all about American modernist fiction and poetry.

I wax nostalgic about the bookshelves upon bookshelves of books I got rid of when we sold the Delta house. Oh, heck– I get downright misty-eyed about it. However, it was time, and moving made culling my library a sensible decision. I ended up keeping about 500 books I can’t live without. But I estimate I let about 2000 find new homes. I sorta decorated with them in various stacks and formations throughout the house. And I had ideas for a bunch of book sculptures. But I finally knew I would never get to it, cuz I’m at point in my life where I mostly want to spend my energy writing and reading. In fact, I’d rather spend more of my time writing than reading. In reality, I guess I’m actually doing more editing and completing of pieces than writing new pieces. I mean– I have decades worth of drafts that need sprucing up for publication. I’ve got to hurry. I’ve got more decades behind me than I have in front of me.