The Wheels On The Car Go ‘Round and ‘Round

I honestly can’t figure out what kind of creature Bow Tie o’ the Day depicts. It might be a rabid feline of some sort, but I dunno. Please feel free to share your opinion about its identity. I didn’t order Bow Tie. It was sent to me by mistake. I had actually ordered a bow tie with paw prints on it. I got a mammal, at least. Anyhoo… I made it home safely from my first post-surgery drive– without crashing. I was not a danger to myself or others. I was definitely not a road hazard. To be fair, I gotta admit that I drove only four miles (and four miles back)– to Suzanne’s office to sit with her at lunch. She was panicky until she saw I made it there in one piece. My top speed? 40 mph, which is the speed limit between here and there. Even though it was a wussy trip, it’s nice to cross off one more recovery milestone on my list. Every task I get back to doing makes me feel like I certainly am improving, despite my fatigue. There is a flip-side to getting my physical self up to snuff: I will have to do increasingly more of my regular chores. It’s like I’m currently in a kind of chrysalis, in which I will ultimately transform into a beautiful housewife again. Thus, I must dust off my duster. And my mom’s 1960’s, red-and-white, DHS lunch lady apron awaits me in the pantry.  🏎 🦋

It’s A Little Nipply In There

These two Bow Ties o’ the Day are cold-weather sports enthusiasts, and this is the best way I can indulge their frigid whims and needs. This photo shows you our freezer is bustin’ out with sugar-free Popsicles and some not-sugar-free ice cream. Just for me. I’m not a huge fan of Popsicles, but for some inexplicable reason, they have tasted fantabulous to me since surgery. I eat at least a dozen per day. Cold feels good in my layin’-around gut. Who am I to argue with my recovering belly? BTW I’m currently shivering with anticipation. Suzanne told me she’s allowing me to drive this afternoon. Finally. I’m guessing that what changed her mind was that she thinks I made her sound like an ogre in a post yesterday when I wrote about her overprotective attitude about me and my healing up properly. I’m glad she took it that way, I guess–cuz I now have permission to use my car keys. I know her conservative orders regarding my recovery are because she has my health in mind. She’s got no ogre-ness anywhere in her soul. I just know I better not wreck when I head out on my first drive– so I don’t have to spend a fortnight listening to her say, “See, it wasn’t time for you to drive yet. I told you so.” 👹