Loveseat Recliners And Bank Accounts

Floppy Bow Tie o’ the Day caps off my Clash Fashion statement to the outside world. Here we are at R. C. Willey on a reclining loveseat– which Suzanne bought me this morning, cuz she thinks I need to do a ton o’ reclining while I recover. Plus, I’m old and I creak. Getting older is bound to make me even creakier. Reclining in a comfy loveseat can surely help our creaks and pops calm down. Anyhoo… I feel it’s important to tell you that although we are making a bunch o’ bigly purchases right now, we are not rich. We are not Rockefeller’s. We’re just frugal, and we know how to patiently save. For example, Suzanne built up The Recliner Fund for two years. I write about our purchases, not to show off, but because it’s what we’re doing right now. On these posts, I write about my ties and my life. I hope I do it with a dab o’ wit. And I’m gonna tell you about whatever adventures I experience, whether you wanna hear about them or not. πŸ€‘Β πŸ›‹

Blinded By The Blinds

Yesterday, Bow Tie o’ the Day and I couldn’t wake up enough to drag our butts out of bed–all day. But when Suzanne got home from work, she ordered us to wake up and proceed directly to Budget Blinds with her. Yup, she hasn’t let up on getting new blinds. She says we don’t need to get them right now if I don’t want to, but I know better than to listen to her talk about not wanting new blinds ASAP. I ain’t gonna make waves. So we picked out very not-budget blinds, and got a very not-budget estimate. πŸ’ΈΒ πŸ’°Β πŸ™€Β BTW You voted for me to grow out my hairs, and I’m doing as you commanded. And, as you can see, my hairs are currently in a hideously awkward stage. Gee, thanks, y’all. πŸ‘πŸ»