Housework And Waiting Aren’t Torture, But They Can Make You Scream

Bow Tie o’ the Day is the only thing keeping me from having a titanic tantrum in front of Skitter. If I threw one, Skitter would shake for time and all eternity. But I feel like I’m caged in a zoo, because I can’t leave the house. I’m doing housework, but mostly, I’m waiting for delivery of our HAMILTON tickets, which I’m required to sign for. I checked the tracking number, and it says they’ll be here sometime before 8PM. Gee, thanks for the bigly specific time! ✒ ✉ 🎟 🎤

Bow Ties Are Born From Anything You Can Think Of

Bow Tie o’ the Day is upcycled from a bike inner tube, complete with air stem and puncture patch. Once, when I was a kid, my bell bottom pant leg got stuck in my bike chain. I couldn’t yank it out. I pondered about what to do. I decided to hustle home in my underwear. I guess a few townsfolk saw me running, and by the time I got home, two people had already called Mom to ask why I was running through town near-nekkid. 🚴‍♀️ 👖 #smalltownlife

Perhaps I’m Hiding A Checkered Past

Tie o’ the Day punctuates the spiffiness of my all-CHECKS, all-day duds. I wrote CHECKS to pay bills this afternoon, which meant I had to find the CHECKbook and CHECK the bank balance. I’ve CHECKED to see how Mom’s doing. I CHECKED the mail. I CHECKED-off things on my honey-do list. I CHECKED the oil in Hombre. I CHECKED my blood pressure. I even ate CHEX mix. If only I could figure out a way to wear a CHECKerboard. But hey, the day ain’t over yet. 🤡

Here’s Some Egghead Advice

Tie o’ the Day answers the age-old question of what to do with leftover hard-boiled Easter eggs. When life gives you hard-boiled eggs, make deviled eggs. I love a funny, punny tie. No matter how long we live, life is short. Make it fun whenever you can. I do it with my ties and clash fashion. Choose your entertainment weapon. The people around you will appreciate your effort. Your humor and joy will help them through dark days. And we all have those kinds of days. 😭 😂

Mom’s Friend, LaRae, Calls Mom A Travel-Ass

It seems like Mom travels more now than when she still had her car keys and drove– very slowly– through the Delta universe. Bow Tie o’ the Day and Mom and I dressed up in springy, Eastery colors for an excursion to Fillmore, where I handed off Mom to Ron. Off they drove to their home in St. George. Big Helen fills any room she’s in, with stories and snort-laughter. Our house is emptier and quieter when she’s not visiting us. Our loss is Ron’s and Marie’s gain. ❤ 🐣