And The Winner Be

Tie o’ the Day is a repeat from months ago. It revisits us because it’s our contest prize: the couch potato tie! Guesses about the suitcase-bow ties count ranged from 26 to 82. The closest number guessed, without exceeding the total of 75, was 70, guessed by Sheryl Nielson-Wilson. Wear this tie, Sheryl, or give it to a champion couch potato. Despite what this photo might indicate, I did not slobber on your prize. You’re getting a completely new tie. Message me your address, so I can send it your way. 🏆

We Didn’t Hit Any Of The Deer We Saw By The Road

Bow Tie o’ the Day slept in, in St. George. We can do that because Mom gets up quite late in the morning. Yes, we got down here last night. LATE last night! Suzanne thought she would be responsible and go to work yesterday, so we couldn’t leave until rush hour. I don’t know why she thinks we need to pay bills. Oh, well. I guess her job is how I can sit on my butt at home and be a writer.  (Contest winner next post.)