And Just When You Think You’ve Seen It All

Bow Ties o’ the Day are modeled by pieces from our “when pigs fly” decor collection. I’ve been surprised by unexpected revelations every day of my lickety-split existence on this planet. Big amazements. Extravagant, elaborate questions. And tiny things like bracelets, and fluorescent shoelaces, and bacon. Terrible things can astonish and perplex us, too. When people do horrible things to one another, we sometimes declare a collective defeat. Fear not! Pigs will continue to fly in on their compassionate wings, to save us from ourselves. Who knew?! ๐Ÿทย ๐Ÿ–

Pain, Pain, Go Away! Pain Shmain!

So I’m joyfully skipping around upstairs, picking out Tie o’ the Day, and here comes Suzanne– groaning and bent over like she’s in labor. Words are not necessary. One of those blasted kidney stones is stuck somewhere inside. We automatically took our roles in this routine. I handed her a pain pill. And she squat-walked back to bed. Tie choice was made easy: Tie o’ the Day displays Band-Aids and words o’ pain. Tie’s helping Suzanne rest and recover. We’re awaiting the impending birth of a rock. ๐Ÿ‘ถ