A Purty Red, Blue, And Ivory Tie

Tie o’ the Day has me wrapped up in worry about parking in downtown SLC tonight, for HAMILTON at the Eccles Theater. Seriously, the Jazz host OKC for a playoff game at the same time as our show, so prime parking spots will be bigly tough to find. Oh, life is full of these enormous problems! How do we even make it through our days and nights, with things like parking spaces weighing on our minds? Alas! I really don’t know how we all survive such perils. 🚗 🏢

Sing: I Can See Clearly Now The Monocle Is On

Hey! A monocle! Along with this eyepiece, Tie o’ the Day joins bowler-ed notebook (with ‘stache) in celebrating nifty cultural icons. So far, I haven’t found a bowler that fits my noggin, but that doesn’t mean I’m not hunting. I wish I had one to wear to HAMILTON tonight, although a three-cornered hat would be more appropriate. I don’t have one of those either, but I do remember making them with construction paper and staples, in elementary school for President’s Day. I sense an idea coming on. 🎩