The Ties Do The Math

Tie o’ the Day needed consoling. I was curious whether post pictures of bow ties or ties get the most LIKEs. Bow ties won, as I suspected. But I assured the worried neckties they’ll still star in posts. After all, neckties are what I first began collecting decades ago. The bow ties started coming to live with me only about four years ago. People who star in the posts? Mom’s appearances get the most LIKEs. Suzanne and I together come in second. Little ol’ I am third. 👍

I Thought It Was Safe To Wear A Tank. Wrong!

Yesterday’s tank top jinxed the weather. Today, it’s rainy and chilly and mucky and muddy and just generally yucky. Hence, I’m in a flannel, long-sleeved shirt. I chose this Tie o’ the Day to really do some angry clash with it. The only good thing about a long-sleeved shirt on the last day of April is that I can wear Cufflinks o’ the Day. I went with purple bling. When I lived in Maryland, I could wear shorts from March to October. At least Utah has bigly-er sky.