The Ties Were Once Lost, But Now Are Found

You probably wonder what we do all day, while Mom mostly dozes, but needs someone with her, 24/7. Well, Bow Tie o’ the Day shows you that we sometimes learn Bible stories. The shark on my brother’s wall makes a fine whale and Bow Tie is being Jonah. To better understand my fellow human beings, I’ve attended church services of a multitude of denominations, and/or I’ve read their sacred books. It amazes me that the message of all religions can be distilled into this: “love one another.”

The Neckwear Loves A Good Myth

Bow Tie o’ the Day has its eyes peeled for Mom. She’s kind of elusive. We wanna snap some pics of her, but she moves through the house so quickly with her walker that she’s just a blur. We have a better chance of sighting Bigfoot for a photo. Maybe clear sightings of Big Helen will become so rare that she will become an icon worthy of speculative books and movies, debating her actual existence. We feel her love, so we’re convinced she’s real. But who knows?!