Someday I’m Gonna Buy A Lobster Trap

I post frequently about food, which I guess makes sense because we all eat every day. Tie o’ the Day says I’m hankering for Surf ‘n’ Turf for dinner. Cufflinks o’ the Day emphasize my desire for the lobster, especially. I can’t go out tonight because Suzanne won’t be back until too late. I could go out to eat alone, and it doesn’t bug me to do that. It would bug Suzanne to miss out on the feast though. And I don’t want to face those consequences. 😱 🙀

Not Enough Cheese Or Bow Ties In The Galaxy

If a song is gonna get stuck in your head, pray it’s a classic. Unfortunately, my head’s been replaying the not-so-classic “Farmer In The Dell,” in which the cheese stands alone. Bow Tie o’ the Day is providing this slice of fromage some companionship. See, I’ve taught my neckwear to be compassionate to others. Suzanne has a bigly appetite for any and all cheeses. Years ago, I found the beyond-perfect gift for her when I came upon this foot-square, 10-pound, marble slice of swiss cheese. #holyhomedecorbatman 🧀