Doomsday Prepper O’ Neckwear

The in-laws gave us this 10-gallon barrel to use as part of our emergency/disaster storage. I’m sure they meant for us to fill it with water, but I decided I can be thirsty for the duration of Armageddon. What I can’t do during Armageddon is have an unadorned neck. I have my 100-oz. mini-keg of Diet Coke, and I’ll share it, so we’ll stay semi-hydrated. I’m filling this storage container– aka Helen’s Ark– with as many of every species of neckwear I can fit inside it. 🚢

A Day Of PJ’s And Laziness

Bow Tie o’ the Day is a clip-on, covered in butterflies. I’ve been told that when I was a kid, I called Butterfinger candy bars “Butterflyfingers.” As for clip-on ties of any kind, I’m not a fan, but they tend to be cheaper. And with some too-expensive ties, it can be worth it to go with the clip-on version. I liked bow ties from an early age. When I played Young Women’s church softball, I wore clip-on bow ties on my baseball shirts. I was weird. 🦋 ⚾