It’s Not Snowing On LDS Conference Weekend

Tie o’ the Day #1 is another Stacy Adams. (Will they ever end?) It is a cornucopia o’ patterns in purple, with just a stripe (not a pot) o’gold. A little bit o’ paisley. A lot o’ lines. And a ton o’ squares–tiny and bigly. Shirt is a Bugatchi, with a scene right out of a travel agency. You can feel a warm breeze just by looking at it.

Warm is as warm does, of course. And Mom walked over here to The Beach House a couple of hours ago with a plate of steaming, creamed asparagus over toast. Pretty tasty stuff, if you don’t mind a hardened artery or two. I asked her how she was liking General Conference, and she didn’t know it was even on. Poor Mom’s mind. I think she’s becoming blonde. Anyhoo…. It seems I had watched more of Conference than she had. I won!😆 I’m sure that she is ahead of me by now though.