Antiques Roadshow, Here We Come

Tie o’ the Day #2 really got into the Conference spirit, so we are sharing our Relief Society grapes with our loyal tbloggies. Viney tie is from Penguin. Shirt is a velvety-soft, lavender John Ashford from back in my Maryland era, around 20 years ago. It’s about time for someone else to get two decades of use out of it, so it’s going bye-bye in the yard sale next weekend. I’m sure I can get at least a dime out of it. Maybe.😜

But the true item of beauty here is the grape brooch, complete with its D.I. packaging and price tag. I will never remove the brooch from its packaging, for full effect. Suzanne was with me when I found this gem cluster at the D.I. in SLC in the late 80’s. Now think about this: If these fine grapes were worth 50 cents in 1986, how much more valuable do you think they are thirty years later? If they weren’t genuine antiques before, they certainly are in 2017. And theyΒ are grapes, after all. You know–as in WINE. And you know flippin’ well that liquid grapes get more pricey with the passage of time. I do believe that if we decided to sell this brooch right now, Suzanne and I would be in the bigly money!πŸ˜ƒ

It’s Not Snowing On LDS Conference Weekend

Tie o’ the Day #1 is another Stacy Adams. (Will they ever end?) It is a cornucopia o’ patterns in purple, with just a stripe (not a pot) o’gold. A little bit o’ paisley. A lot o’ lines. And a ton o’ squares–tiny and bigly. Shirt is a Bugatchi, with a scene right out of a travel agency. You can feel a warm breeze just by looking at it.

Warm is as warm does, of course. And Mom walked over here to The Beach House a couple of hours ago with a plate of steaming, creamed asparagus over toast. Pretty tasty stuff, if you don’t mind a hardened artery or two. I asked her how she was liking General Conference, and she didn’t know it was even on. Poor Mom’s mind. I think she’s becoming blonde. Anyhoo…. It seems I had watched more of Conference than she had. I won!πŸ˜† I’m sure that she is ahead of me by now though.