Deer Hunt Orange Is Both Magnetic North And True North

Tie o’ the Day #2 be another Tommy Hilfiger. It has a light blue, denim-looking background with fluorescent pink paisley paisles. Shirt is a Code Blew from the late 80’s.

With clothes, I’ve always been partial to bright and/or bold colors and designs. When I lived in the D.C. area, I had a blinding orange t-shirt and baseball hat which I wore whenever we ventured out to crowded outdoor events. No matter how many people were in our group, if we got split up, I was the lighthouse. Everyone could see me easily, so I was the meeting up spot no matter where I was. I was that dot on the signs that says YOU ARE HERE. (FYI! That was in the eon before cell phones, young folks.)

I wasn’t a fan of the landscape back there, especially the sky. But I do miss the boatload of “free” museums and events and monuments in that area. Our taxes pay for all those remarkable things, and I don’t mind that one bit.

And here’s a thing about the idea that government (and by “government” I mean city, county, state, federal) should be run like a business: The government is not a business. The government’s purpose is not to make money. The government’s purpose is to provide services and protection for its citizens. These things cost money. We citizens pay the costs because we are the ones who receive the services, protection, and benefits.


It’s Time For Easter Colors

Tie o’ the Day #1 is a Tommy Hilfiger. I love the pointy bow ties. Their cuteness never gets old. This is our first tie foray into Easter colors, for the purposes of tipping our hats to the Easter holiday. So prepare for springy, pastel neckwear and shirts for the next week. This shirt is neither springy nor pastel. It is, however, a…..SAY IT WITH ME, TBLOGOPHILES…..Bugatchi.

We couldn’t have an Easter egg hunt today, if we wanted to. The wind would blow the carefully hidden eggs to Moab. I can see it now: a tornado funnel made entirely of plastic, pastel Easter eggs. And when the funnel petered out, some community would be blessed by the raining down of eggs with goodies inside.

I’m not engaging in hyperbole (not much, anyway) about the strength of today’s blowhard wind. When Skitter was squatting to pee this morning, the wind blew her over. Poor Skitter. She is scared of everything but us, and even the weather assaults her. On the other paw, there is no category of hurricane or tornado that can budge Roxy’s girth. Perhaps when it’s windy we should leash Skitter to her, so Roxy can keep her anchored to the earth.