“For Fun, It’s A Wonderful Toy”

Tie o’ the Day #2 (from Cape Cod Neckwear) has spent the entire evening on the stairs, pretending to be a Slinky. Up, down, up down. For hours. The mutts played along with Tie for quite a while before they tuckered themselves out and went to bed. Finally, I had to send my lariat flying, in order to lasso the faux Slinky. I had to hogtie the darn thing just to get it to brush its teeth and go to bed. Whew! I’m exhausted. Time for me to pack it in for the night, myself.

Toodles, until tomorrow, folks. More mutinous ties to come.🤡

Ties Have Minds Of Their Own

Tie o’ the Day #1 tied one on last night. This disheveled sight is what I found this morning when I went searching for the first Tie o’ the Day. Look at it: sleeping in, in a drunken stupor. The shame of it! Bad tie! (Also, observe the swell mustache pillowcase Suzanne made me. I’m spoiled.)

Speaking of being bad…On the I’m-trying-to-be-good subject…I do try very hard to be on The Good Side, in terms of my daily interactions with the world. Yesterday, as I was going through some files, I discovered the paperwork and certificate that designates me as minister in the Progressive Universal Life Church. I had forgotten I am a real Reverend. About a decade ago, I went online and became one for around $20. Yes, it’s real and legal.

I became a minister as a form of protest, before gay marriage was legal. As a minister,  I could legally “marry” straight couples, as in perform and make legal their marriages. But I could not “marry” my partner I’ve lived with for decades. It was a quiet kind of protest, but I made my point. Small things matter, even in the scheme of bigly, humongous things.

Now I have to find an appropriate spot in the house to hang my official Reverend certificate. And if you know of anyone seeking a minister to hitch them, I’m available. I will, of course, wear a Tie o’ the Day when I officiate at the ceremony.👔