Blue, Blue, My World Is Blue. Blue Is My World When I’m Without You.

If you don’t know the song from which the above header’s lyrics hail, you are way too young to be spending your time sitting home looking at a tblog.🤣

Tie o’ the Day #2 is a formal-looking pierre cardin. The dark blue and light blue patterns play serenely on the black background. This ‘fit (see Cast o’ Words) classed up The Pub bigly this evening. The dark/light blue Bugatchi shirt beneath the tie, creates the  proper jot and tittle of contrast. If it weren’t for blue, I’d have no clothes at all.

Suzanne and I packed up Deja (see Cast o’ Folks) to its gills with boxes of books, dvd’s, and whatever else we were able to fit in it, for the big drive to C-ville on Sunday. We had to load the boxes into the car already so we can have a bit o’ floor space throughout the house. Each of us has tripped over a mound of something or other at least once today. We are too ancient to be tripping on anything. We have great health insurance, but….. And knowing me the way I do, if I fell down I’d most likely break my Hanky Panky right in half. And then the doctor would have to put a cast on it. And then I’d have to buy it little crutches so it could get around. As fun as that sounds, I would prefer not to be part of that tremendous scene.

Suzanne Has A Beef With My Clothes

Tie o’ the Day # 1 is a fantastic Geoffrey Beene. This mix of blue and purple colors makes my day. How can you not be cheered up just to see it coming at you? Shirt is from Haggar. Haggar shirts run long. Almost a nightshirt on me. So what? Ain’t stopping me from wearing ’em. I’m such a rebel, eh?

Suzanne really does think my shirts are too big for me. First of all, I have to buy shirts a size bigger than what fits me better, cuz I have these breasticles that would be bustin’ out all over if I didn’t give them ample space to inhabit. Second, I hate to wear anything vaguely tight. I’m allergic to tight. Have been all my life.

When Suzanne and I were together in the 80’s, I had a penchant for balloony pants that snapped tight at the ankles. She dubbed them my Big, Fat, Ugly Pants. I guess it is just another peculiar thing that makes me me. FYI: I pretty much only wear skinny jeans these days. And yes, I wear the correct size. But they often come close to falling off me cuz I have no butt. If I wear a belt, it’s worse, cuz a belt just adds more weight to pull them down. Suspenders might be my only chance to solve this problem.

And just so you know, I have managed to keep one pair of Big, Fat, Ugly Pants, which I don’t wear when Suzanne’s around.