Pink Goes With Everything

Our second Tie o’ the Day is a plaid Nicole Miller design. Shirt’s another Old Navy polo. Thus, here’s a tiny clash fashion look for this evening’s gallivanting. Bright colors = happy happy, joy joy! (Thank you, Ren and Stimpy.)

This little pink bow tie is another show of support for Whitney Shurtz, who continues to battle breast cancer. She’s doing the fighting. The least we can do is do the supporting. Do your part to support anyone you know who faces this suffering. As important as financial help is for those who are ill, it is not the only need. Do what you can to support their families and friends, as well. The person with the disease needs to know that the people they love are being supported too. It is one less worry for them to carry, while they fight the cancer that dogs them.

Tblog-lodites, hug the people you love as often as you can. And tell them what they mean to you, over and over again.

Driving, With Purebreds On Board. And Neil, Again, It’s Neil

Tie o’ the Day #1 is a snappy IZOD, on a coral Old Navy pocket polo. This is not clash fashion, so it’s an intelligible, understated ‘fit.

So I’m sitting’ on my butt in C-burg Monday evening, after we had just driven up from Deltabama Sunday afternoon. And out of nowhere Suzanne exclaimed, “I forgot the pillow cover pieces I made, and I need them ASAP!”😫 Anyhoo… This morning I pottied the pups and gassed up Vonnegut Grace, then we embarked on our Big Ride to See Grandma–which term they have learned means seeing Grandma and pooping in Grandma’s yard to their canine hearts’ content. And now, after I gather Suzanne’s pile o’ craftiness from her craftiness table, the dogs and I will be on the road again–off on our Big Ride to See Suzanne, which term they have learned means having fun running up and down the stairs to follow Helen as she does housework, and writes at her desk in the loft, and generally goes from room to room doing things that are mysteries to mutts.

No, I’m not done yapping about the Neil Diamond concert. I keep thinking of tidbits to tblog about. Today’s next little story is two thousand words–as in the cliche, “A picture’s worth a thousand words.” Hence, check out the two pix below. The first is us waiting for the concert to begin. The second is us still waiting for Neil to come onto the stage. Please note my closed eyes in the second pic. Clearly, I am taking over for Mom in the eyes-always-closed-in-photos department. In all her 86 years, Mom has only been able to keep her eyes open in about four pix. Until this selfie, my eyes have never been closed in a picture. I guess Mom’s closed-eye talent is my inheritance. Thank you, Mother.