Dog Treats For Their “Owners”

Tie o’ the Day #2 is a sweet little slice o’ spring orange, from IZOD. Got some purty yeller and sky blue stripes on this Old Navy shirt. The shirt is long-sleeved. However, today is one of those days near the end of winter, when no matter what you wear, you’re wrong. Too warm for jeans and long sleeves. Too cool for shorts and a t-shirt. After changing clothes from head-to-toe for the third time, I threw in the towel and got back into pajamas at around Judy o’ clock.

The picture Tie o’ the Day is presenting below is evidence of my Find o’ the Day. Voila! A new form of doggie breakfast! Mmmm…faux sliced pig flesh and chicken embryos for teethy pups!

And we all know the not-secret about our consumer culture and our canine members: Dogs don’t have $$$. Golly, mutts don’t even have pockets! Dogs don’t give a shucks about how their rawhide chews look. These doggie goodies are made FOR US, as “owners”! And even knowing this, I gladly took the bait and bought these chews for our mutts to have clever, fabulous-looking brunches for the week. And I won’t deny that I also wanted to present them on Tie o’ the Day! 👔🐶



Tie o’ the Day #1. As per usual, a Stacy Adams. Swell Easter colors. Tasso Elba button-down completes the Easter-ness, despite the fact that Rowan gave me this shirt for Christmas. He knows my style well.

Anyhoo…I’ve been experiencing what I call my “severed head” or “crazy head” for the past couple of months. Who knows exactly what starts its trajectory. But I know enough about where my bipolarity has me right now to know that despite some big changes/decisions I’m making right now in my life, what my head is going through is not situational. The various life-changes (I detest that term) are certainly variables in the life of my head. But these changes are not the cause of the inner turmoil.

And I understand my bipolarity enough to know how to deal with it. I have a host of coping mechanisms. I know what is and is not a good idea to try to accomplish in each of the stations of the cross of my mental state at any given time. The inside of my head is best described as a pendulum, and a thing I’ve learned about being bipolar is that wherever the pendulum moves–and how fast or slow it moves–it will ALWAYS move. It will always swing back to the other side. And it will always wear a bald trail along the path it plods. Sometimes it even stops for a while at the bottom of the arc it travels. The trick is to be patient enough to move through the tumult until the pendulum swings to a more habitable place.


Back To Yesterday


First church nuisance: At church yesterday morning, when the 2nd not-the-bishop guy was opening the meeting, Mom said, “I can’t hear him!” But she said it more loudly than any misbehaving child in the chapel. Hers was that loudness with which hard-of-hearing folks speak, cuz they think if they can’t hear, neither can you. And sure enough, the 2nd not-the-bishop guy spoke louder, even though he was perfectly hearable before Mom’s little outburst. Mom is louder than Tigmond is in church. And Tigmond does not have an inside/church voice anywhere in his little soul, even when he’s behaving properly.

Second church nuisance: That would be me and Sister Who Wishes To Remain Nameless. Sitting in the pew ahead of us was a little girl who was probably around 18 months. Well, she and I like to wave at kids and pull faces at them and do a little peekaboo with them. We are serving our  “church mission” thusly, I suppose. Anyhoo…. At some point, I pulled out a tiny stuffed doggie from my “diaper bag” and gave it to the little princess. And then I said to Sister Who Wishes To Remain Nameless, “I really should tell the parents of the kids we go out of our way to amuse that we aren’t child predators. We just like to amuse kids in church.” (FYI My “diaper bag” is what I call the messenger bag Suzanne made me to take to church. I have it stocked with my pens and notebooks, and with toys and crayons for the herd of grandnieces and grandnephews who might need stuff to do in Sacrament Meeting. And also, I keep Mom’s water in said diaper bag. She tends to choke after partaking of the sacrament water. I don’t think that is an omen or symbol of any spiritual thing Mom has going on.)

I also remarked to Sister Who Wishes To Remain Nameless that we are like a funeral or wedding reception line. When the kids come into the chapel, they form a kind of loose line in the aisle, in our direction. Then they walk, one-by-one, through our pew to give us and Mom our hugs. I suppose this is a nuisance for those who are trying to get to seats past them while they hog the aisles to give us some sugar.

After church, and after an after-church nap, Suzanne and I drove back to C-burg. If we are in two cars for thew excursion, we caravan. Deja is always the lead car, and Vonnegut Grace follows.

And after we got home, Suzanne spent a couple of hours sifting through a week’s worth of mail. I watched Major Crimes. Our day was still not done though. We headed to SLC to the Neil Diamond concert, courtesy of Sister Who Wishes To Remain Nameless. She had given us the tickets, much to our grateful surprise.

About 30 years ago, Suzanne accompanied Sister Who Wishes To Remain Nameless to a Neil Diamond concert at The Salt Palace, a night after Suzanne and I went to the same concert. Suzanne and Sister Who Wishes To Remain Nameless are Neil groupies. I’m ok with him, but I’m pretty much just a tag-along to his concerts. (I didn’t imbibe at the show, but I did notice the vendors were selling beer for $9 a cup. That is not right.)

And you are wondering what tie I wore to the concert, I’m sure. The answer is: YOU DON’T WEAR A TIE TO A NEIL DIAMOND CONCERT!

So now you have the skinny on my busy Sabbath. I shall return to the tblog with today’s Tie o the Day #1 in just a bit. Haven’t decided on my day’s clash fashion yet. It will help me decide on an outfit to get out of my pajamas.