Stop And Smell The Ties

Sometimes I feel the need to slow down and appreciate my surroundings– without snark, sarcasm, or irony. Since the landscape I live in is covered with neckwear, I usually find myself meditating upon some tie or another. Tie o’ the Day is a sweet-looking piece that caught my eye this afternoon as I was ferreting through my holiday ties to organize them. There Tie was, quietly watching me as I worked on the other side of The Tie Room. It simply hung in the closet, dripping with its elegant beauty.

Tie o’ the Day is unassuming in its paisleys of pale yellows and bright blues. This is a tie that cries out for absolutely nothing else. Its beauty is so self-contained that it does not need to clash with a wild shirt. Tie doesn’t even need to be worn by a person today. All Tie wants is to pose on this clean and ironed white shirt. I’ve let it hang like this on The Tie Room door the entire afternoon. Less is sometimes more, even for ties. It’s perfectly acceptable for any of us to sit and stare at the loveliness of this tie– or any other tie– for as long as we deem necessary to de-stress.

FYI  I sometimes like to fatten up my neckties, as I did here. I add girth to a tie by tying a thick knot, which shortens the tie and gives the illusion it is wider than it really is. Hey, it’s a look. It’s a fat look. But it’s a look, nonetheless.

I Believe In Santa And Ties

Ah, a scarf made of a couple of hundred or so holiday Ties o’ the Day! I pulled them out of their storage bins this morning, where they’ve been hibernating ever since January. It takes a few weeks for the ties to get prepped to show their best selves to y’all. They need to stretch and get used to being in the light of day.

This picture is meant to give you a bit of perspective about just how big a task it’s going to be for me to cull my holiday tie population– to select which lucky ones I will wear this season. (And I’m not even displaying the holiday bow ties here.)

Skeptics are everywhere. You don’t have to look hard to find a person who will even deny the existence of gravity. Or they’ll tell you gravity is a conspiracy, designed to do who-knows-what. One thing I hope you won’t doubt is the existence of my bigly collection of festive ties. That’s why I wanted to show you this photo evidence that I really do own this many holiday ties.

No, I don’t count them anymore. What’s the point in doing that? It takes time, and then I’d have to tell Suzanne an exact number– which is not something I relish doing. Do I ask her how many yards of material or skeins of yarn she has? I would never do that. A lady never asks a lady those kinds of questions. 😉

BTW  I just noticed that in this photo I kinda look like an Oscar statuette. Perhaps I am my own tie trophy. A Tiescar?