One Single, Solitary Bow Tie. I Know! Right?!

Yup, here is just one measly Bow Tie o’ the Day, which is covered in pumpkins in honor of Thanksgiving pumpkin pie. Never fear, tie counters! Since Thanksgiving is part of the holiday season, we can count Bow Tie in our continuing tie tally.

This afternoon, Bow Tie and Suzanne and I found ourselves at one of my fave-rave eatin’ places in SLC, STANZA. Although we’re always trying new restaurants, STANZA’s been my go-to spot for a couple of years, but I’m feeling the need to switch it up. I love STANZA, but I’m getting the itch to find a new clubhouse from which to rule the universe.

The urge to move on began a few months ago when STANZA’s hostess, Gina, left for other pursuits. Gina always went ga-ga for my bow ties. STANZA just hasn’t been the same for me and my out-on-the-town bow ties since she left. I feel kinda bad about deciding to not be a regular anymore, because today they brought us yum-tastic free cannoli. It felt like it was a sweet goodbye gift. Fer sad!

When you look at this selfie, notice the small flames dancing in the fire box on STANZA’s patio, just outside our window. There were no tables and/or chairs waiting for us outside when we arrived, so we figured the staff preferred we eat in the great indoors. Outside would have been dreamy for me. I was was wearing a cape, so I was warm. And I was game for pulling up a couple of chairs to the fire and letting our waiter bring us hot toddies. Hell, we could have made s’mores. I would have shared with the entire STANZA staff. They’re wecome to come to our place for s’mores anytime. They must, however, bring Gina. Gina is their ticket to our back yard.

HOLIDAY TIE TALLY: 16 Bow ties. 34 Neckties.

Mom’s Life Is One Long Holiday

Bow Tie and Ties o’ the Day are here to remind you that celebrating Christmas isn’t all about presents and Christmas dinner. It’ about the goodies. And I mean real treats– not any of that bite-size leftover Halloween candy.

No, I mean all-things peppermint. I mean all things sugar cookies with too much frosting. I mean candy that is so rich with sugar, cream, chocolate and other not-healthy ingredients that it will cause you to lapse into a richness coma and give you a tummy ache– because you won’t be able to consume that stuff moderately. You will pig out, and then happily pay for it later. Xmas goodies are THAT kind of candy.

It makes me– and many, many, many others– selfishly sad that Mom has hung up her cooking pans and spoons, especially during the holidays. Part of my sadness is definitely about missing out on all the treats, but my overwhelming sadness is that Mom had such fun cooking treats for every person she knew or didn’t know. She doesn’t have that particular joy anymore.

Although Mom has a great attitude about not cooking Christmas treats anymore, she misses being in the midst of the whole process– which she would usually start around late-September. And she’d begin handing out bags/plates of the delicious stuff almost the day after she began. Mom did not make goodies and store them until December. No, she just cooked the stuff and gave it out from September through February. I guess the holiday season did not last long enough for Mom, so she just made it longer. Sounds like Mom to me.

I’m writing some scratch-and-sniff here for you. I guess it’s really more of a read-and-smell-and-taste thing. Read these words and use your memories to smell and taste the word. If you ever had the privilege to eat even one of Mom’s Christmas concoctions, I know you have never forgotten it. Here goes:

TOFFEE, CARAMELS, PINOCHE, FUDGE, FROSTED SUGAR SANTA CLAUS COOKIES, SUGARED WALNUTS, CARAMEL MARSHMALLOW POPCORN, BAKED POPCORN, and even ETC. Even Mom’s et cetera was incredible. See, those words themselves made your saliva glands pirouette and leap.

BTW  No one will ever produce close copies of Mom’s candy. Despite having two kitchen drawers and a number of scrap books full of recipes, Mom did not cook from recipes. She only seldomly took little hints from recipes. For her yummy treats especially, if you wanted a recipe for what you liked, she couldn’t give you an exact one. She would, however, invite you to come watch her as she cooked it. You could take as many notes as you wanted, but it never tasted the same as Mom’s.

FYI  I have found one commercial product that bears a similar taste to Mom’s baked popcorn. It’s the Werther’s Original Caramel Popcorn. Don’t get your hopes up too high, but if it reminded my taste buds of Mom’s baked popcorn, that means it probably tastes  a smidgen like it .

HOLIDAY TIE TALLY: 15 Bow ties. 34 Neckties.