The Ties Consider How To Handle The Holidays

November 1st is what I have traditionally dubbed Put-Away-The-Tank-Tops-Until-Summer Day. That’s the sad task I’ve been working on this afternoon in The Tie Room. After the tank-top task, the same day transforms into a little activity I like to call The Gathering O’ The Winter Hats. So here I am in this photo– tankless, but wearing my cold-weather bow tie beanie.

This winter hat thing presents me with a new problem to solve. Since I’ve only had my hearing device for about six months, I have never had to deal with it in the winter. How do I cover my cold right ear with my beanie, while my hearing aid is struggling to hear? Pulling my beanie down over my ear will keep my ear toasty, but it will also muffle my hearing aid– making me deafer than I already am. And I am really, really, really hard of hearing– just ask Suzanne. Just ask her about the TV volume. I dare ya to ask. She won’t have to answer. You’ll see her face in response to the question, and you will know.

Do I actually have to choose between my hearing and a frostbitten ear? I’m trying to invent something to solve this bigly problem, but so far, I am stymied. If it ends up that I must choose one over the other, I will definitely choose to have a warm deaf ear. “What? Hey, turn up the world’s volume, would ya?”

Bow Tie o’ the Day’s candy cane colors are a clue to yet another dilemma I’m wrestling with. It’s an annual dilemma. When is the exact right time for TIE O’ THE DAY to begin displaying the holiday neckwear? To be honest, I have way too many pieces of holiday neckwear to wear each one by January 1st, especially if I wear only two per day. In fact, I probably have enough holiday ties to wear at least one on each day of the entire year. (Don’t suggest I do it, please. You know I do what you tell me to.) Even if I start donning the seasonal ties tomorrow, there’s no way they can all make an appearance in the next two months. I must be selective, and what I don’t wear this holiday season, I’ll wear next year. Or the next year. Tie rotation.

But I have to decide if I really want to go with the holiday neckwear so soon. I usually wait until after Thanksgiving, but that doesn’t let me show off as many holiday ties as I think y’all want to see. On the other hand, if I begin the holiday tie season tomorrow, I fear we might all be holiday-tied out by the beginning of December. Any strong thoughts about it? When do y’all want me to bring out the festive neckwear?

BTW   I’m not being political here. I do not have a problem with saying “Merry Christmas.” I tend to use the word “holiday” because I am not specifically referring to Christmas. I celebrate with friends who celebrate Hanukkah and/or Kwanzaa– as well as friends who observe Christmas– and these annual celebrations occur around the same time. They share a time of year, and they share the same basic values. When I’m communicating one-on-one, I use the specific greetings that apply. It’s not difficult. It’s respectful. It’s just plain polite.

I Ask For A Cape, And I Receive A Cape. Voila!

Argyle Tie o’ the Day is proud to be a part of our Suzanne-sewn Cape o’ the Day’s debut. I’m purposely concealing the other side of this reversible cape, which I’ll save for a separate post. But ain’t this cape beyond funky?!?!

Don’t be thinking my new Suzanne-made cape is a Halloween cape. Nope. Sugar skulls– or any skull designs–  are fashionable every day of the year, and for almost every occasion. Holiday? Skulls work. Birthday? Skulls work. Date night? Skulls work. Church? Maybe not.

The bonus attribute of this cape’s colorful fabric is that Frida Kahlo’s face is repeated among the skulls. Kahlo was an incredible Mexican painter. Some of her self-portraits make me dizzy with sadness. This skull/Kahlo cape material is part of the treasure we found in Albuquerque– at the fabric store Suzanne treated like a shrine.

BTW Frida Kahlo and I share a trait: our almost-unibrow. It was sexy on her. I don’t know what it is on me.

I had to include the second photo in this post so you could get a look at my flashy blue and black-velveted pants, as well as my chicken-theme Sloggers. The lighting sucks where this door mirror is located. And since I seem to have started using the mirror for post pictures, it really ought to be moved to a location in the house where there is proper lighting.

The problem with moving the door mirror is that it weighs as much as my truck. It is not attached to anything. It’s simply propped up against a wall. But you can’t just pick it up and try out how the lighting works with it in different places around the house. There is no possible way we can ever heft the door mirror up the stairs either. It has stood in our entryway since the day we moved in six years ago, and even as I type this, I realize we will never move it. It’s  perfect and handsome right where it is.

I guess y’all will just have to live with the occasional crappily-lighted mirror photograph in a post. I’m not too worried. Heck, a cape this swell can outshine bad lighting any day o’ the week.