I Ask For A Cape, And I Receive A Cape. Voila!

Argyle Tie o’ the Day is proud to be a part of our Suzanne-sewn Cape o’ the Day’s debut. I’m purposely concealing the other side of this reversible cape, which I’ll save for a separate post. But ain’t this cape beyond funky?!?!

Don’t be thinking my new Suzanne-made cape is a Halloween cape. Nope. Sugar skulls– or any skull designs–  are fashionable every day of the year, and for almost every occasion. Holiday? Skulls work. Birthday? Skulls work. Date night? Skulls work. Church? Maybe not.

The bonus attribute of this cape’s colorful fabric is that Frida Kahlo’s face is repeated among the skulls. Kahlo was an incredible Mexican painter. Some of her self-portraits make me dizzy with sadness. This skull/Kahlo cape material is part of the treasure we found in Albuquerque– at the fabric store Suzanne treated like a shrine.

BTW Frida Kahlo and I share a trait: our almost-unibrow. It was sexy on her. I don’t know what it is on me.

I had to include the second photo in this post so you could get a look at my flashy blue and black-velveted pants, as well as my chicken-theme Sloggers. The lighting sucks where this door mirror is located. And since I seem to have started using the mirror for post pictures, it really ought to be moved to a location in the house where there is proper lighting.

The problem with moving the door mirror is that it weighs as much as my truck. It is not attached to anything. It’s simply propped up against a wall. But you can’t just pick it up and try out how the lighting works with it in different places around the house. There is no possible way we can ever heft the door mirror up the stairs either. It has stood in our entryway since the day we moved in six years ago, and even as I type this, I realize we will never move it. It’s  perfect and handsome right where it is.

I guess y’all will just have to live with the occasional crappily-lighted mirror photograph in a post. I’m not too worried. Heck, a cape this swell can outshine bad lighting any day o’ the week.

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