So Glad I Found This Photograph

This isn’t holiday season neckwear, but how could I not show off Dad in his Bow Tie o’ Back-in-the-Day? This pic was taken at Ron and Marie’s wedding reception, in the mid-70’s. Ain’t Mom and Dad both lookers?! I’ve always wondered which of my parents I most resemble, and I change my mind about it all the time. My name doesn’t fall far from the Big Helen tree, for sure. And I clearly don’t fall far from Dad’s bow tie tree either. 👰 🤵

Ties Are Excellent Nap Companions

Sometimes waking up and getting dressed and putting on Tie o’ the Day is so exhausting that you need a nap before you can start your busy day. Rest assured that this is a natural and  acceptable thing to do. Tie says to take care of yourself. Today, Tie displays our Christmas sock monkeys wearing hats and scarves, and bearing gifts. Sock monkeys were among the animals adoring the baby Jesus in the manger. Like any stuffed animal, they made sleep a safer place.

The Ties Know It’s Sappy, But It’s True

Festive Tie o’ the Day tells me the ties are happy as tie-clams, to be back in the spotlight. They live to entertain. In this month of the T-giving Feast, Tie offers the message of this wall hanging. We gave this piece to Mom years ago, after she chose a similar saying for Dad’s headstone. Now, we’ve inherited it back. The ties and I don’t know everything, but we do know this little saying is not fake news. For that, we give thanks. 🦃

A Sweet, Short Post

Tie o’ the Day is busy displaying its classic candy cane colors. And Tie is also busy being excited to have our favorite houseguest sitting on our couch. Mom is taking a week away from her St. George home to spend time here for a few days, and to visit Mercedes (Betty) for a few days. Mom really gets around. Actually, it seems Mom just kinda likes to sleep around. She’s a bad girl. 🛌

Ties Are Warmer Than Bow Ties

Tie o’ the Day is hangin’ out with scarved-up, Santa hat-wearing polar bears. The weather has taken a definite turn toward Winter, so it’s time to lock up the tank tops, shorts, and flip-flops for the season. It always makes me cry when I finally give in to the Winter “Wonderland” reality. In Summer, I go into denial about the existence of Winter, and I’m afraid I might have sold all my coats in our yard sales. Doh! Guess I’m buying a new coat today. 😬 🌨

A Friday Night In A Black Tie, In Datesville

A happy Date Night for us with Tie o’ the Day. My shirt and black tie match, because Suzanne got ’em for me. I’m ready and willing to match occasionally, but only occasionally. And only for Suzanne. Here, we are leaving CousCous Grill at Station Park, in Farmington. I had the salmon, swimming in an insanely rich lemon caper sauce, served on a raft of falafel. The falafel was the opposite of awful. See, that sentence proves I’m a poet. And I know it. 🖋 📜

A Little Stretching Of The Tie Category

Scarf Neckwear o’ the Day is wrapped around a frequent guest star on these posts. My tie-covered mini keg needed warm neckwear for Winter, so Suzanne crocheted this scarf in no time at all. While we watch tv in the evenings, Suzanne’s hands never quit crafting. She makes blankets for newborns; scarves and hats to donate to those who need them; and pot holders. A ton o’ pot holders. I have no crafty bone in my body, so I guiltily sit on my butt and zone out.📺 😏

Lucy, Bow Tie And I Are Home!

Bow Tie o’ the Day brings its frosted, holiday plaid to lunch with me and Suzanne. It’s too cool for eating outside, so my truck is our designated restaurant booth. Suzanne eats healthy string cheese, while I eat sugared-up string licorice. Now that I’m livin’ our city life full-time, we kinda have to adjust to each other being in the same space 24/7 again. To work on things, we walk, and I meet her for lunch at her work. So far, we’re always laughing. Good sign! 🌇 🧀 🍽

Ain’t Mom Cool About Moons And Bow Ties?

Bow Tie o’ the Day kicks off holiday ties by showing off its Santa’s. It’s hitching a ride on my mooning, trapeze-flying clown mobile. Mom gave me my mooner when I was in DHS, after a true rumor said that somebody on the volleyball team bus mooned a semi. That somebody wasn’t allowed to participate in school sports for the rest of the year. When the principal called Mom to fink on that somebody, Mom said, “Ok. Call me when she actually does something wrong.” 🤡 🚌