So Glad I Found This Photograph

This isn’t holiday season neckwear, but how could I not show off Dad in his Bow Tie o’ Back-in-the-Day? This pic was taken at Ron and Marie’s wedding reception, in the mid-70’s. Ain’t Mom and Dad both lookers?! I’ve always wondered which of my parents I most resemble, and I change my mind about it all the time. My name doesn’t fall far from the Big Helen tree, for sure. And I clearly don’t fall far from Dad’s bow tie tree either. 👰 🤵

Ties Are Excellent Nap Companions

Sometimes waking up and getting dressed and putting on Tie o’ the Day is so exhausting that you need a nap before you can start your busy day. Rest assured that this is a natural and  acceptable thing to do. Tie says to take care of yourself. Today, Tie displays our Christmas sock monkeys wearing hats and scarves, and bearing gifts. Sock monkeys were among the animals adoring the baby Jesus in the manger. Like any stuffed animal, they made sleep a safer place.