Just Can’t Wait For Tomorrow’s Feast

My holiday Tie o’ the Day displays green forks galore. When I bought it, I immediately designated it to be a Thanksgiving celebration tie. I think I really do eat more on T-giving than any other day of the year. For the last couple of years, we have gotten farctated (look it up) at Bambara’s T-giving brunch in SLC, but we’re forgoing that this year—due to everybody’s lurking pandemic, COVID-19. Instead, I’m cooking a surprise dinner for me and Suzanne. I already alerted her that I’m cooking the meal. The surprise part of dinner will be what I’m cooking. She knows me, so she knows I will likely cook up a non-traditional menu sprinkled with metaphors. Skitter might get steak. And after we are stuffed beyond our gills tomorrow, we will be doing a Zoom get-together with all the families in Suzanne’s family.

I had a swell pre-Thanksgiving talk with Mom on the phone today, and I told her I was especially thankful to her for putting up with me for nearly six decades now. She told me she was the real pain everyone has to put up with, but she also said she is thankful she is not in pain. “I’m not in pain, but I am a pain,” is exactly what she said. I told her I will miss her Thanksgiving spread, but mostly I will miss her dashing in and out of her kitchen to make sure everyone got enough of each dish, while we all tell her to sit down and eat. I will forever miss Dad saying the same thing to Mom almost every year, as he looked out over the entire family, “Helen, did we create this herd?” Yes, Dad, you fell in love with each other, and the begatting began.

Holiday Tie Tally: 74 Neckties. 15 Bow Ties.

Skitter’s Holiday Tie Tally: 8 Neckties.