I Think I Heard Something Pop

I was putting away all the seasonal neckwear I’ve worn and shown y’all so far this week, when I heard an odd sound. It was an apocalyptic body sound, telling me I had probably slipped a disc due to the tremendous tie/bow tie weight I have worn this week. I think I sprained a neck muscle even. Anyhoo… This afternoon I decided it was best for me to lift and wear only one Christmas Tie o’ the Day for this post. I’m sure I’ll be okay. I just need to rest a spell, unadorned around my neck—so I’ll be ready to tie-up bigly again tomorrow.

Two things, folks: First, I didn’t create TIE O’ THE DAY for the purpose of arguing about politics, but this post-election has been so ungainly I plan to put in my 2 cents when I finally condense it into something I hope will make more sense than the post-election itself. Read it at your own peril when I post it. Brace yourself for that. Second, a few longtime readers have asked if I will be kind enough to once again do a running tie count of my Christmas neckwear collection with each post, as I did two years ago when I last wore every festive piece I owned at the time. Yes, I am happy to begin providing that bit of info.

As of this post, here’s the tie tally: 44 Neckties. 7 Bow Ties. If you’re a newbie to TIE O’ THE DAY, please rest assured that I will not run out of holiday neckwear to wear during the whole gleeful season. And also, you get the TIE O’ THE DAY guarantee that you will never see a holiday tie/bow tie worn more than once during the season.

#wearthedangmask #dontstandsoclosetome #wearingamaskismorecomfortablethanwearingabra #iwearmymaskbecauseicareaboutyouandyourfamily #wearingamaskworksbetterthannotwearingamask #wearingamaskmakesitlikeeverydayishalloween #didyoureallyneedapandemictomakeyouremembertowashyourhands

It’s Cape Weather!

I got my Suzanne-sewn wintry cape out of the closet this morning. It will be my go-to cape through the Thanksgiving/Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa Season. At night, under the lights of the city, it sparkles and shimmers like a fabric gem—no matter which of its sides is showing. The snowy cape is a charming background to this morning’s seven seasonal Ties o’ the Day, with one Bow Tie o’ the Day on top. And thus, in my wintry cape and neckwear, I shall now harness Skitter for our walk to the mailboxes. What would our neighbors do without our daily spectacle?