And Now We’ll Hear From The “Peanuts” Gallery

Skitter was too tuckered out to fully participate in the takin’ o’ the post photos today, but that didn’t stop me from prodding her to open at least one eye for a quick pic. She ought to know by now that if she’s going to wear a tie in my vicinity, her picture is gonna be taken. It’s one of those facts o’ life you just have to accept in this family. You learn to roll with it.

These Ties/Bow Ties o’ the Day are my reminder that I must gather all of my pathetic Charlie Brown Christmas trees together for a thorough group dusting. It’s almost time to dot the house with the trees in their various sizes and ornament themes. It’s easy-peasy to maintain one theme per tree when you are allowed only one ornament per tree. To be an authentic Chuck Brown tree, everybody knows it can have only one ornament weighing down only one of its branches. 🌲

Holiday Tie Tally, thus far: 47 Neckties. 9 Bow ties. 1 tired Tie o’ the Day for Skitter.